What do you do for yourself?

As women... we spend a lot of time taking care of others.  Sometimes it's our friends... our lovers... children... parents.  We work to juggle our jobs and relationships ...and try to make it all seem easy.  Wonder Woman!

But what do you do for you?  How do you cope with the stress of life?  How do you stop the little things from turning into big things?

I pose this question because I realized lately... I haven't done some of the things that used to bring me great joy and help me work through my struggles and make sense of things.  

This week I started singing again.  I sang at my old a capella gig.... Christmas songs that make me smile.  I heard my voice again...and it was therapeutic and refreshing and made me happy.

And I started writing again.  It was one poem.... but after years of not expressing myself in this way... it felt good to reflect what I was feeling and see it in front of me.   

"If I get it down on paper, it's no longer inside of me."

-Breathe by Anna Nalick  

It's not selfish.  We need to take care of ourselves before we can be healthy people and take care of others. Maybe you haven't thought about it for a bit. Maybe you practice it everyday... 

I invite you to comment below...

What do you do for yourself?  

